Skating Links http://www.fourinarow.com.au Fourinarow Magazine online worth having a look http://skate4life.itgo.com Probably the lamest skate page on the internet http://mp3andskate.8m.com Michaels Skate site http://www.asaskate.com/ The Aggressive Skaters Association http://www.videogroove.com/ The videogroove site creators of some of the best skating videos http://www.manlyblades.com.au/ Manly Blades the NSW not so rip off merchant Villanova Inline Skating Villanova College Skaters some cool pics and stuff http://www.woodward.com - Woodward the skaters heaven (the largest skate park in the world)http://www.iconnect.net.au/~bcarr/brett.html A cool skatepage
Non Skating Links http://www.graffiti.org Art Crimes as mark would say a really cool graffiti page http://www.oneeightthree.com A cool graffiti page http://www.mp3.com Mp3 songs players plug ins etc. http://www.audiofind.com Find any song on the net very useful http://www.hotmail.com Free E-mail http://www.yahoo.com The best search engine Catagorises things |
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